Back to School - Back to the Office at Office Evolution Arlington-Rosslyn
As summer comes to a close and the nation continues to relax its COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, students and workers can begin returning to their school and office buildings. Coworking spaces are the perfect places to help ease this transition back to a more traditional way of interacting.
At Office Evolution Arlington-Rosslyn, we provide flexible workspaces that are suitable for those who are looking for a place to work on their tasks while supporting a good balance of social interaction. Discover the benefits of our space as you go back to school or the office.
Flexible Workspace Near You
Our social interaction skills have truly taken a toll as a consequence of the pandemic. People found it more difficult to be comfortable talking to others after being cooped up at home for such a long time. This social issue may also affect your professional life, even if you spent the last few years on zoom! Apart from hindering your performance, you miss out on networking opportunities.
As you return to your studies or business operations, a flexible workspace can help you get out of your usual environment and into a more creative one. It also gives you control over your surroundings, from decorating your desk to adding plants to your space.
At the same time, you can network with like-minded individuals in a coworking space. You can avoid distractions and focus better on your work when you are around people in the same mindset.
Office Evolution Arlington-Rosslyn has drop-in coworking areas, a wide range of meeting rooms, as well as private offices for those who need more privacy, or dedicated workstations. Here’s a look at the different uses for these flexible workspaces:
Coworking Spaces for School Purposes
Since not all schools are ready to accommodate students in their hallways, those who maintain restrictions can consider flexible workspaces for students or faculty. For students, it can be a great place to study or work on group projects outside of school hours. For educators, it can provide a place to grade papers or collaborate with colleagues.
These places are especially beneficial for those who have limited internet access at home or need a break from their usual routine. You can find reliable high-speed internet connections and power outlets in our coworking spaces, as well as comfortable furniture and a conducive environment for productivity.
Coworking Spaces as Office Alternatives
Businesses of all sizes can benefit from flexible workspaces. With private offices and dedicated workstations, you can have a place for your company to operate without the need to sign a long-term lease. This setup is perfect for start-ups and small businesses that are looking to grow their operations or large companies looking to establish satellite offices.
Coworking spaces are also useful for holding client meetings and networking events. Not everyone may have a space in their home to host a meeting with relevant parties. Living with family or roommates? Are you currently working from a café? As an OE Arlington-Rosslyn member, you have access to a more professional work setting with great amenities. With 2 ultramodern meeting rooms, free beverages and snacks, a full workout center, and coworking space at your disposal, you can conduct professional presentations or just focus on your work.
Coworking Spaces Support Hybrid Work Balance
If your company has successfully implemented a work-from-home setup, you can still utilize coworking spaces without abandoning home offices. Workers can split their time between these two places to keep a good work-life balance. This model is known as hybrid work.
Professional surveys reveal that more employees prefer this hybrid work model. In one survey, 83% of 9,326 workers stated that they preferred having the option to work remotely at least 25% of the time. They could continue the rest of their work at a coworking space or the office.
With a hybrid work setup, workers have more control over their time and can better manage their responsibilities at home. For instance, if you are a working parent, you can schedule your days to coincide with your child’s school schedule which allows you to spend more focused time with them.
Meanwhile, 63% of businesses that report high-growth rates use hybrid work models. It makes sense because the workers are more engaged and productive when they have a good work-life balance.
Final Words
Going back to school or work after years of pandemic-prompted remote work can be daunting. Coworking spaces provide a sense of normalcy and community that we all need right now. These places can give us the space and resources to be productive, while still retaining the advantages of remote working. Students, educators, and business professionals alike can benefit from the support that coworking spaces offer.
Office Evolution Arlington-Rosslyn is a locally owned and operated flexible workspace with affiliate franchises all over the United States. As an OE member, you have access to coworking spaces in locations across the country with fully equipped meeting rooms, drop-in areas, and private offices. Whether you are reserving these spaces for academic or business reasons, you can count on our range of coworking spaces to accommodate your operations.
At Office Evolution Arlington-Rosslyn, we provide virtual office, coworking, and dedicated private office solutions at our business center. We offer meeting rooms, executive offices, hot-desking in a shared workspace coworking lounge, business address, and virtual receptionist services. We have many options and price points, and all terms are flexible. Plus, you become part of a community of like-minded professionals. Whether you live in Washington DC, Rosslyn, Arlington, Fairfax, Falls Church, Georgetown, Alexandria, and surrounding areas in the DMV and northern Virginia, choosing Office Evolution Arlington-Rosslyn in Virginia will help you be more professional, productive, and profitable. For more information about our Arlington-Rosslyn location, schedule a tour today to secure a coworking space with us.