The Best Shared Office Space Near Me

“OK Google, Where’s the best shared office space near me?”

The modern office space is transforming at the speed of light. You, your coworkers, and employees are looking for alternatives to being forced into a cubicle for 8 hours every day. As the popularity and functionality of virtual work spaces continues to grow throughout the global workforce, more and more people are searching for the, “best shared office space near me”.

Shared Office Space: What is it?

A shared office space provides you with everything you would expect from a traditional, fully-furnished work station, only it comes at a fraction of the cost.

With a shared office space, you can use the services available on an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis, whichever best fits your needs. You will also never be asked to sign a long-term contract or pay for maintenance/rental fees, giving you the freedom and flexibility, to be successful in the business world.

Shared Office Advantages

Here’s some shared office advantages you’ll gain access to as a member of a virtual office space:

Reduced Costs

Leasing a traditional office space can cost a small fortune – not only do you have to furnish the entire space yourself, you also have to buy office equipment, pay for maintenance costs and a steep rental fee on top of everything else.

The truth is, leasing a full-time, dedicated office space isn’t even a realistic option for many entrepreneurs. A shared office space offers an affordable alternative so your company will no longer be held back due to lack of resources.

Networking Opportunities

Most people can only dream of being able to wake up and start work in their pajamas from the comfort of their own home. And even though this lifestyle admittedly has a lot of benefits, people who work from home also commonly experience feelings of isolation, along with a lack of networking opportunities. For this reason, a shared office space can be a game changer for solo professionals and small businesses.

One of the biggest shared office advantages is that you can meet and collaborate with like-minded individuals who are just as motivated and dedicated as you are to achieve your goals.

Perks and Amenities

As an entrepreneur, the more resources you have – the better your chances are of experiencing growth and success within your company. That’s why a shared office space is so helpful: they give you access to everything you need to take your business to new heights without the huge price tag attached to it.

Disadvantages of a Shared Office Space

While shared office spaces have plenty of advantages, as outlined above, there are also some downsides to using this type of service. Let’s take a look a couple of disadvantages:

Budgetary Limitations

If you’re like a lot of entrepreneurs, you operate on shoe-string budget to be as efficient as possible. So even though a shared office space is extremely affordable considering all of the services you gain access to, it still costs money that you may not have to spend. Make sure you look at your budget closely before making any decisions.

Coworking Dynamics

As with any workplace, there are certain interpersonal dynamics you have to be in-tune with in order to avoid butting heads with other people. As a rule of thumb, you should check out the location in person beforehand to get an idea of how the social atmosphere is and how well of a rapport you have with the people currently working there.

How to find the best shared office space near me

Above all, it will come down to a little research and scheduling a few tours. You need to find the location that will fit you the best. Here are a few things you should consider:


Where is the “best shared office space near me”? If you’re simply looking for a quick escape from the home office, then, the best shared office space could be right down the block. However, you may also want to consider the location of your clients and employees. In this case, that may change your Google search from “Best shared office space near me” to “Best shared office space in Golden”.


Consider the amenities and what’s nearby. If you’re a “kombucha-on-tap” type of person, then the best shared office space near you may be a few miles away. However, if you’re more of a “nose to the grind stone free coffee” or “flexible day office space” or “I just need free WIFI” type of person, the best shared office space near me may be within a bike ride from your current home office.


The “best shared office space near me” will offer terms that are just right for you. Typically, this means a flexible month to month type of arrangement. This is different than renting an office space in which you may need to sign a multi-year lease.

Finding the Best Shared Office Space Near Me:

Shared office spaces are here to stay. Today’s businesses, employees and entrepreneurs are demanding the flexibility and amenities they provide.