Member Spotlight: Peace Haven


“Find your purpose and pursue it.”

“It is more important for us to be good and kind than to be successful.”  It’s a risky mantra in entrepreneurship, but it’s at the absolute core of Peace Haven and every company it starts.  At its most general, Peace Haven is an innovator for society in the fields of DevOps, Security, Robotics, and Machine Learning, and now in AI as well.  Combined with a propensity for attracting and then mentoring curious and creative minds, Peace Haven achieves its mission.

You may notice a couple of men in a breakout session at the granite counter in the lobby…speaking quietly but in earnest, and that would be Peace Haven’s local team, founder Sunny and the talented Nishon.  With locations in Ashburn and Bethesda and a reach far beyond through online offerings, Peace Haven aims to reach as many interested mentees and eager learners as possible.  In fact, they are currently seeking interns for their projects in AI cameras, Robotics, and Drones.  Feel free to text them at 703-992-4806.